High school senior booted from her prom over sexy dress

Mireya Briceno, was booted from her senior prom for wearing a dress that was too revealing. The teen followed the high school’s obviously strict dress code when she wore a backless royal blue dress with white polka dots

A polka dotted dress debate has become viral with people debating on social media whether this dress is too revealing.  It started when Mlive reported that a high school senior was booted from her prom over her dress.

On Friday, April 24th, Mireya Briceno was removed from her prom because she had violated the dress code.

According to her mom, Connie Briceno, they asked her to leave because the dress had an open back design. “I felt she was classy and elegant,” Briceno said. “She was perfect.”

Here’s the image being shared on facebook, is this dress too sexy for prom?


Mireya Briceno, was booted from her senior prom for wearing a dress that was too revealing. The teen followed the high school’s obviously strict dress code when she wore a backless royal blue dress with white polka dots
Mireya Briceno/Facebook

