Mom goes on strike against disrespectful kids

Mom goes on strike against disrespectful kids

See what this mom does when her kids are disrespectful, they even keyed the family car!

Naasira Muhammad told WFMY news 2 that she’s on strike since her kids are out of control.

Muhammad made a sign that reads “Mom On Strike.” For the past two days, she has marched up and down Waughtown Street near her house to make her point to her children.

Muhammad says that conventional discipline methods like time-out do not work with her two teenage daughters.

“I’m to the point where I’m just so frustrated, so to keep my hands off my kids or to keep me from doing something crazy, I just decided to go on strike,” said Muhammad.

The children’s aunt forced them to make signs of their own which read: “Thank you mom for providing for me, caring for me, and loving me.”
