Wear a Burlap Dress to Prom and Raise over $10,000 for Charity!

Wear a Burlap Dress to Prom and Raise over $10,000 for Charity!

Most teenagers go nuts during prom with the frenzy to dress to impress during prom season, but not this girl.  She wanted to make her prom dress mean something more.

Courtney Barich took it to another level when she decided to wear a potato sack.

She tells Today.com “I thought my dress should help people who are in need.” In exchange for support to the Saint Martin de Porres Orphanage in Manilla she would wear a dress made from Burlap (the fabric used for makeing potato sacks).

Barich along with designer Suman Faulkner of Lata Design, (who donated her time and skills) created a white fitted one-strap burlap gown.


Wear a Burlap Dress to Prom and Raise over $10000 for Charity