103-year-old woman earns high school diploma

Life-long Spring Green resident Marie Hunt received her high school diploma on Friday. She would have been in the class of 1928

Although this high school graduate walked down the aisle 87 years later, she still fulfilled her life-long goal. Marie Hunt received her high school diploma on April 10th after dropping out to help take care of her eight younger brothers and sisters.

Hunt is a Agrace Hospice Care resident in Spring Green, Wisconsin, where a  graduation ceremony was arranged after she told Debra Pfaff,  Agrace RN,  “My biggest regret is not getting my high school diploma.” Three of her siblings went to college, and she thinks she “might have been college material, too.”

Watch the video as the officials from River Valley High School and the Spring Green School District gave her the diploma at a ceremony at her assisted living facility.
