Oklahoma teacher gets fired for putting kids in trunk of car

teacher puts kids in trunk

School teacher, Heather Cagle, was fired for putting kids in the trunk of her car while she ran an errand!

She filled her car with 11 of her students: 2 kids rode in front seat , 7  road in back, and two 12-year-old girls were locked in the trunk.

According to CatoosaWorld,  “she decided to do “something sweet” for her yearbook students, she said, and take them to Walmart for snacks”

Cagel, worked at the Catoosa Middle School for 10 years.

Karen Long, an attorney who represents the school district, said “No parent or grandparent or guardian should ever expect that any teacher, particularly not an experienced teacher, will take their children off campus in the trunk of a personal vehicle.”

teacher puts kids in trunk

