An ‘Ugly Woman’s’ Response to Being Mistreated Goes Viral


A Woman describing herself as ugly posted an anonymous article on reddit where she writes in detail on her night from hell.

She writes about taking time to do her hair and makeup, wearing a sexy outfit, and getting the encouragement from her friends when they met up for the evening.  But once at the club where they were all going things start to go wrong.

Guys offer to pay for her friends ‘cover charge, but not her. She’s ignored and insulted: one guy won’t look at her when dancing with her, a photographer asked her to step out of the way so he can take a group photo without her.

“I am an ugly woman. Objectively, I really am. Please don’t argue with me on this one, Reddit. I am not overweight, actually in better shape than most women my age, I dress well,  “But last weekend the world just had to remind me that despite all this, people will go out of their way to kick me.” she wrote.

After she posted this personal article it’s gone viral with readers posting empathetic and encouraging responses, also sharing similar stories.






source: reddit, msn

image: flickr