Church in Colorado denies funeral for lesbian woman over ‘affectionate’ photos

lakewood colorado church stops funeral because she was gay

Funeral services denied! Why? because the family of Vanessa Collier, 33, declined to remove photos of her showing affection to her wife.

15 minutes before the funeral service was to begin at the New Hope Ministries in Lakewood, Colorado, New Hope’s Pastor Ray Chavez learned that the memorial video showed photos of Collier kissing her wife.

The church refused to hold the funeral in its building unless the photos were removed. And the family instead decided to move the service elsewhere.

“They said that they didn’t agree with her alternative lifestyle,” Dawnnetta Pierce-Fernandez, Collier’s friend of 15 years told the washington post “They gave the family the option to edit the video and the family decided that they were not going to allow Vanessa’s life to be edited.”

“It’s devastating – and disgusting, honestly,” she added.

On Tuesday afternoon, friends and family of Collier protested outside the church, calling for “Dignity in Death” for Collier and other gay people.

According the Denver post, one sign read: “you will not find Jesus at New Hope but you will find hypocrisy”.

lakewood colorado church stops funeral because she was gay
Photo: Craig F. Walker, The Denver Post