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Formerly homeless single mom gets free car on St. Patrick’s Day

Single mom Lucy Melgar of Reading, Pennsylvania, had a very lucky St. Patrick’s’ Day when she was surprised with a car.

According to an article in Yahoo, Melgar is a single mom and is working very hard to put her life back together.

Melger was given the 2011 Hyundai Sonata through Family Promises of Berks County.

“The car will make life much easier for Melgar, who endured a rocky path before entering Family Promises. I was in a domestic violence situation and I couldn’t hold a job,” she said. “I went to different places, different states and I tried over and over again.”

The car, part of the National Auto Body Council's "Recycled Rides" program, was fully-refurbished with the help of several local companies -- GEICO, RW Mallon and Faulkner
photo: familypromise/facebook

Working 3 jobs, Melger and her son finally have a home. Now with her own transportation, Melger hopes to fulfill her dream of becoming a certified nursing assistant so she’s planning to go to night school.

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