Why aren’t there many women in magic?

woman and magic
woman in magic

So you’re a magician and you’re a woman, you’ve just entered a profession where you’ll practically be invisible.

This is not a trick, according to wired, every woman interested in magic was usually working as the assistant to the magician.

” Sure, a handful of women resisted this relegation and tried their hand at the spotlight, but none of them fully grabbed the American public’s attention.”

The few women that actually classify themselves as magicians are often robed of the credit for their work.

“wife-and-husband team Mistie and Kyle Knight. They just won Syfy’s magic competition show Wizard Wars. But when they perform on cruise ships, sometimes, after the show, people will ask Mistie, “Do you know how the tricks are done?”

“Obviously that’s hugely frustrating,” Mistie says, “because I’m involved in every aspect of the show—writing the script, creating the illusions, building the props.”

Things are starting to change finally, with UK magician, Billy Kidd, “who recently crossed over to (well-deserved) American fame. She shines in Discovery Channel’s Breaking Magic and Syfy’s Wizard Wars.”

syfy wizard wars
Billy Kidd


What Kidd wants to know is: “When was the last time you thought about giving a young girl a magic set for her birthday?”

kidd explains that if she had received a magic set as a kid, she would have started magic sooner and not forced to play catch-up.

Lucky for us she did catch-up, now all future women magicians have someone to look up to.


