Filipino woman nailed on cross

Crucifixion in the Philippines is a devotional practice held every Good Friday, and are part of the local observance of Holy Week

Every year devottees practice crucifixion in the Philippines as part of the observance of holy week. This year penitent Precy Valencia, 44, is nailed on a wooden cross during a reenactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday in Paombong, Bulacan.


Crucifixion in the Philippines is a devotional practice held every Good Friday, and are part of the local observance of Holy Week. crucified in imitation of Jesus Christ's suffering and death, while related practices are carry wooden crosses, crawling on rough pavement, and self-flagellation. Penitents considered these acts to be mortification of the flesh, and undertake these to ask forgiveness for sins, to fulfil a panatà (Filipino, "vow"), or to express gratitude for favours granted
Photo: Ezra Acayan, Reuters
